La Seigneurie Gardens provide a tranquil contrast to the windswept wildness of the island’s beautiful coast. The walled garden is over-flowing with fascinating flowers and shrubs and the beautiful granite walls shelter many plants that can only survive under glass in other parts of the British Isles. Colourful displays in the newly renovated Chapel tell the history of Sark’s Seigneurs and the Seigneurie itself. The fruit and vegetable gardens will inspire those who grow their own produce and our sensory garden aims to stimulate all five senses. Lose yourself in our maze, wander among our rose beds or simply soak up the peaceful atmosphere of these enchanting gardens. La Seigneurie Gardens are the highlight of any visit to the beautiful Channel Island of Sark.
Opening Hours of La Seigneurie Gardens
Adults £8 Children £2
La Seigneurie Gardens are open every day 9am to 6pm from Easter to the end of October
La Seigneurie Gardens
Channel Islands
GY10 1SF