Visit Sark
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Le Temps Passé
Culture and Communities
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Sark Tides
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Harbour Web Cam
Visit Sark
The Island of Sark
Sark Map
How to Get Here
Visitor Moorings
Where to Stay
Where to Eat
Local Sevices
What's On
Things To Do
Le Temps Passé
Culture and Communities
Sark Walks
Sark Weather Forecast
Sark Tides
Sark Astronomy
Local Shipping Live
Harbour Web Cam
Le Temps Passé
100 years ago 47 2
100 years ago 47 2
3 at the Harbour 46 1
3 at the Harbour 46 1
100 years old 48 3
100 years old 48 3
212 for Sark 49 4
212 for Sark 49 4
1930s Concert party 50 5
1930s Concert party 50 5
Alfred Baker 51 6
Alfred Baker 51 6
Arthur Herbert 52 7
Arthur Herbert 52 7
Bas Dick s Grandad 53 8
Bas Dick s Grandad 53 8
Bel Air Hotel 3 81 9
Bel Air Hotel 3 81 9
Bel Air Hotel 4 54 10
Bel Air Hotel 4 54 10
Bertie Falle 55 11
Bertie Falle 55 11
Bob O Hurley 56 12
Bob O Hurley 56 12
Cavalcade 1945 57 13
Cavalcade 1945 57 13
Charlie Vibert 8 14
Charlie Vibert 8 14
Creux Courier JoyBell3 58 16
Creux Courier JoyBell3 58 16
Dame Family 82 17
Dame Family 82 17
don and marg 9 18
don and marg 9 18
ensor butter 10 19
ensor butter 10 19
File0006 11 21
File0006 11 21
File0007 12 22
File0007 12 22
FirstGarrison 59 23
FirstGarrison 59 23
FisherBar 60 25
FisherBar 60 25
FisherBar 60
FisherBar 60
Fishermen 61 26
Fishermen 61 26
gas 14 27
gas 14 27
Gros Fred 62 28
Gros Fred 62 28
HayMumDoll 63 29
HayMumDoll 63 29
Heinz Herdt 65 30
Heinz Herdt 65 30
JackWilliams 84 34
JackWilliams 84 34
James Drillot 69 35
James Drillot 69 35
JohnHenryCarre 85 36
JohnHenryCarre 85 36
JohnLobster2 71 37
JohnLobster2 71 37
JohnLobster 70 38
JohnLobster 70 38
Joy Bell 2 at Albert Pier 72 39
Joy Bell 2 at Albert Pier 72 39
Joy Bell 2 Leaving Creux 66 40
Joy Bell 2 Leaving Creux 66 40
JoyBell 2 Crew2 87 41
JoyBell 2 Crew2 87 41
JoyBell 2 Crew 86 42
JoyBell 2 Crew 86 42
Just Married 88 43
Just Married 88 43
Liberation 89 44
Liberation 89 44
May Queen 20 45
May Queen 20 45
Mermaid 1939 90 46
Mermaid 1939 90 46
Mermaid 1958 91 47
Mermaid 1958 91 47
Mermaid 1962 92 48
Mermaid 1962 92 48
Mermaid Friends 93 49
Mermaid Friends 93 49
Mermaid Night 1958 75 50
Mermaid Night 1958 75 50
Midland Bank 76 52
Midland Bank 76 52
Miss Lamb 21 53
Miss Lamb 21 53
Miss Sark 77 54
Miss Sark 77 54
mix 2 23 55
mix 2 23 55
mix 3 24 56
mix 3 24 56
mix 6 25 57
mix 6 25 57
mix 22 58
mix 22 58
peg leg 1 29 61
peg leg 1 29 61
peg leg 28 62
peg leg 28 62
Peter 30 63
Peter 30 63
Peter Drillot 94 64
Peter Drillot 94 64
plop 31 66
plop 31 66
popa and jess 1 32 67
popa and jess 1 32 67
popa malitia 33 68
popa malitia 33 68
punch and judy 34 69
punch and judy 34 69
punch and wedding 35 70
punch and wedding 35 70
Queen Mothers visit 36 71
Queen Mothers visit 36 71
rives 37 72
rives 37 72
RoadWorkers1 95 73
RoadWorkers1 95 73
RoadWorkers2 96 74
RoadWorkers2 96 74
Sark Choir 1950 97 75
Sark Choir 1950 97 75
Sark Fishermen1 38 76
Sark Fishermen1 38 76
sarkschool08 40 78
sarkschool08 40 78
Scanned Document 41 79
Scanned Document 41 79
School outing 42 80
School outing 42 80
The Avenue 98 81
The Avenue 98 81
The Well 78 82
The Well 78 82
this and that 2 43 83
this and that 2 43 83
time past 1 44 84
time past 1 44 84
time past 2 45 85
time past 2 45 85
ToilersOfTheSea 1 67 86
ToilersOfTheSea 1 67 86
ToilersOfTheSea 2 79 87
ToilersOfTheSea 2 79 87
W.J.Hamon 99 88
W.J.Hamon 99 88
Wealais 68 89
Wealais 68 89
Willie Remphrey Johnnie Hamon 80 90
Willie Remphrey Johnnie Hamon 80 90
16School 1962 175 240
16School 1962 175 240
1836676 10202863164635817 1809574735 o 323
1836676 10202863164635817 1809574735 o 323
1891210 10202841485973864 31424458 n 324
1891210 10202841485973864 31424458 n 324
1907851 10202800233942589 1245993056 o 319
1907851 10202800233942589 1245993056 o 319
1957952 10202878675423577 781398466 o 325
1957952 10202878675423577 781398466 o 325
1960889 414451922024584 800230597 o 326
1960889 414451922024584 800230597 o 326
1966093 412682518868191 19420362 o 327
1966093 412682518868191 19420362 o 327
De Saumarez 10 328
De Saumarez 10 328
img147.1 329
img147.1 329
img147.2 330
img147.2 330
img 893.2 331
img 893.2 331
Sark School 1990 239 310
Sark School 1990 239 310
school2 241 311
school2 241 311
hannie herbert
hannie herbert
horse rescue
horse rescue
John hannie party
John hannie party
John perree horseshow
John perree horseshow
Kieran bike
Kieran bike
Kieran horseshow
Kieran horseshow
Kieth guille mandy
Kieth guille mandy
Laurie bunter
Laurie bunter
michelle rocks
michelle rocks
Phil Guille Ceilia
Phil Guille Ceilia
la colinette 1936 web3
la colinette 1936 web3
21272223 10156011813402985 6773563236730222517 n
21272223 10156011813402985 6773563236730222517 n
21271351 10156011813542985 2272588265427461086 n
21271351 10156011813542985 2272588265427461086 n
21232058 10156011814487985 1992896671197097209 n
21232058 10156011814487985 1992896671197097209 n
21318870 10156011814747985 7539484902381098655 o
21318870 10156011814747985 7539484902381098655 o
21371316 10156011814942985 7675611527738402466 n
21371316 10156011814942985 7675611527738402466 n
21272147 10156011815012985 6262451083576974966 n
21272147 10156011815012985 6262451083576974966 n
21270853 10156011815167985 5988805535064597518 n
21270853 10156011815167985 5988805535064597518 n
21317855 10156011815277985 7670788169586697876 n
21317855 10156011815277985 7670788169586697876 n
21317907 10156011815352985 8102631197414388261 n
21317907 10156011815352985 8102631197414388261 n
21231818 10156011815512985 2294967581517649786 n
21231818 10156011815512985 2294967581517649786 n
21272382 10156011815862985 3160860177562458768 n
21272382 10156011815862985 3160860177562458768 n
21317468 10156011816067985 814875286274287142 n
21317468 10156011816067985 814875286274287142 n
21272597 10156011813212985 8426648483169091833 n
21272597 10156011813212985 8426648483169091833 n
hg fisherman
hg fisherman
sitting outside
sitting outside
fishermen harbour hill
fishermen harbour hill
philip cyril jack
philip cyril jack
philip lefeurve
philip lefeurve
cyril hamon
cyril hamon
phylis le feuvre
phylis le feuvre
john perree
john perree
harbour masline
harbour masline
harbour masline55
harbour masline55
21192013 10154632168047364 1177264429992263061 n
21192013 10154632168047364 1177264429992263061 n
Michelle tractor
Michelle tractor
26991975 10155061884796283 8282317234637305739 n
26991975 10155061884796283 8282317234637305739 n
27332447 10155061884901283 4456357280627682121 n
27332447 10155061884901283 4456357280627682121 n
27067364 10155061884946283 7047641975181695139 n
27067364 10155061884946283 7047641975181695139 n
26992456 10155061885046283 519508884524099702 n
26992456 10155061885046283 519508884524099702 n
26991958 10155061885011283 2905939199265654735 n
26991958 10155061885011283 2905939199265654735 n
27331918 10155061885996283 8438755866218043773 n
27331918 10155061885996283 8438755866218043773 n
26233482 10154943888985163 8582235184481047397 o
26233482 10154943888985163 8582235184481047397 o
26168461 10154943888185163 2319663825887342253 n
26168461 10154943888185163 2319663825887342253 n
26239116 10154943888440163 7169054023481795748 n
26239116 10154943888440163 7169054023481795748 n
26730797 10154943890295163 6241603035788278004 n
26730797 10154943890295163 6241603035788278004 n
26231035 10154943889280163 2853494367582831796 n
26231035 10154943889280163 2853494367582831796 n
26221130 10154943890180163 1024389467475933357 o
26221130 10154943890180163 1024389467475933357 o
26240916 10154943889620163 8306361791995428465 o
26240916 10154943889620163 8306361791995428465 o
26229415 10154943880740163 1147536666974861027 n
26229415 10154943880740163 1147536666974861027 n
25398398 1937897909557649 4295210229021766716 o
25398398 1937897909557649 4295210229021766716 o
25446284 10213658329785484 5421884973641592230 n
25446284 10213658329785484 5421884973641592230 n
toilers of the sea
toilers of the sea
Alfie Dick Adams Sark
Alfie Dick Adams Sark
john perree Sark
john perree Sark
Le Temps Pass
Le Temps Pass
maseline 1976
maseline 1976
harriet murdock
harriet murdock
rossford decarteret
rossford decarteret
baz adams sark islander part 1
baz adams sark islander part 1
michelle perree
michelle perree
democracy comes to sark
democracy comes to sark